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tv   ABC7 News 500PM  KGO  December 27, 2012 5:00pm-5:30pm PST

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and not prone to violence. >> saying just keep your doors closed until you hear otherwise. >> never imagined this. everybody is together happy, all the time. >> we've learned the identity of the man killed this morning. he is 22 years old, police would only say that he was holding some sort of a weapon. and would not tell us what kind. a neighbor told us this shooting hit home for her because of what happened to her brother last year in another city. we'll hear from her tonight at 6:00. >> there has been yet another shooting in oakland today. all about the same time the police chief and city's mayor are trying to bring in some top cops to brief up crime fighting strategies. there will be a return to
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community policing. chief howard jordan wants to hire policemangers to act as consultants.e bill bratten is going to lead the team with vaughn waserman from boston. >> we'll give him recommendations to make sure that they're implementing it. it's my responsibility. >> this after a jauj agreed to have a court appointed director oversee the police department. the oakland city council going to complete in january to consider that plan. and coming up on abc 7 news at 6:00 abc 7 news's nick smith looks into how much this duo will cost the city. >> a church is trying to show young people alternatives to the kind of activities that can get them into trouble.
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allen? >> this may look like average lock in. but this is the second time they've had a big event like this for kids. it's one of the outlets for good, clean fun in oakland. they're expecting about 800 kids from ages 6-18 forñq&7%p night of face painting, food and a concert by ty who has a huge following. this youth minister is hoping to tap into an opportunity where good, clean fun is in demand. >> once you find it, hold onto it. i'm glad very something todd.t hold on to. >> what would you be doing if you weren't here? >> home, watching tv. eating. that is it. >> now, a lot of parents feel
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the best way to protect kids out here to keep them inside of the home that. is why youth ministers are hoping to parlay this event into having a good time. tickets being sold out here for this he venlt. all of the kids brought sleeping bags and will be bucking out here at the something tell meez there is going to be sleepy kids when their parents pick them up in the morning. live in oakland, abc 7 news. >> thank you very much. >> tense moments in san francisco castro zriblgt. a man with a knife was in a standoff today. sky 7 was above the scene where police responded to reports of a threatening man he locked him snefl a gas station office. employees locked themselves in a bathroom. took about an hour and a half and the man was arrested and is undergoing a mental health evaluation.
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>> felony animal cruelty charges today who decap tated an exotic bird in las vegas. they face torture and cruelty charges for killing the animal in october of last year. prosecutors say the two were laughing and throwing around the body of the 14-year-old dead flamingo. the men have been released and will be arraigned on february 11th. >> city workers in san rafael taking advantage of the dry spell to clean up before the next storm hits. they're clearing leaves and debris this, is what street runnoff ends up when it rains. department of public works has to keep this clear. to prevent flooding. >> wednesday, thursday, another system coming in this, is giving us an opportunity to catch up and clean the city
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storm drain system. >> public works has had eight. now, the city that had some of the heaviest rain with about an inch over christmas. several inches before that. >> stormy weather forced a portion of the great highway to remain closed. sandkñ and muddy conditions made it too treacherous for motorists to get through. department of public works working to clear the debris and could with open to traffic tomorrow, it could be delayed if the expected rain causes more problems. the question is how much more should we expect? >> sandhya? >> not a lot with this next system. we have radar on mount st. it will ke.
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4:00 p.m. tomorrow, clouds, rain line will slowly start to move towards the coastline. and at 11:00 p.m. we'll see rain but notice, many communities staying dry. our live doppler 7 will be tracking the storm. how much rain you'll get out of this and when high surf advisory will be going up and a weekend forecast. >> there is new video showing you the full power of a tornado that i will hit mobile alabama on christmas day. surveillance video taken outside of a wall greens store. you can see powerful winds tossed dpee brie around. cars lifted off the ground by windspg$z that hit. people ran for cover. the tornado blame forward three deaths in the area and national weather service recorded 34 tornadoes tuesday.
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>> there is some very unsettling moments for passengers on board a jetliner.c an southeast flight from long island to tampa, florida end upd stuck in the mud after the jet veered off the runway. all passengers and crew members were taken off the plane safely. there was heavy rain overnight in new york but it's not known if weather play aid factor. stay with us for continuing coverage on the storm sandhya patel will be back in just a moment with the full accu-weather forecast. you can track the wet weather any time. >> still ahead here on abc 7 news at 5:00 new information on the condition of former president george hw bush. what his chief of staff is now saying about oo and the new mall round up what. will be illegal to some californians coming january 1 in a live report from sacramento.
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>> michael finney gets to the bottom of a safety recall. why thousands are being pulled off shelves. stay with us.
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as we first told you at 4:00 general who led u.s. invasion of iraq during the first gulf war has died. he commanded u.s. led coalition that drove saddam hussien's forces out of kuwait in 1991. a much decorated combat soldier in vietnam, he was known as stormin norman. he was 78 years old. >> the houston hospital treatin has not given an official
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update on his health but a family friend says the elder bush is not near death as some have declared. telling family and friends he's not going anywhere. the 88-year-old has been hospitalized former than a month. and sunday, taken to the intensive care unit with a fever and put on a liquid quiet. one expert says that is not always a bad sign. >> they're able to tolerate able to feed themselves and likely not on a breathing machine. >> it's a good sign? it s the patient is able to maintain the status without needing aggressive interventions. >> and mr. bush is the oldest living former president, and suffers from a disease that makes his legs immobile. >> congress cutting it close to avid the fiscal cliff. nation back into another recession, today, name calling picked up.
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boehner for letting lawmaker goes on vacation. house members not due back ununtil sunday. that is two days before the tax increases take affect. boehner is putting the ball in the court and says the house will take action on whatever the senate can pass. the president has spoken to senate and house leaders from both parties but had no plans to meet with congressional leaders tonight or tomorrow. >> three people have filed a federal lawsuit against city of san francisco arks kusing the police department of conducting illegal searches. this occurred at the henry hotel. saying police officers entered room was a master key provided by the hotel, then, began searching through personal belongings without warrants or just cause. thist@2p is camera footage of te searches by public defender
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last year. the suit filed by civil rights attorney john buress naming four officers. >> a slew of new laws set to hit the books january 1 from new rules on the road to sales tax increases for sm.=i=r? we're live to preview some of the new rules and laws. nannette? californians taxes will go up in just a few days. the income tax will go up for high earners and sales tax going up for everyone. >> shoppers still getting their fill with after christmas sale buzz sales tax will jump another quarter sent bringing state wide tax to 7.5% for four years. california voters okayed the hike to safe schools from deeper cuts.
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>> i have a 17-year-old daughter and grandchildren going to be in school. whatever we've got to do, we'll dig in deeper to help. >> not everyone is happy with another tax hike. >> in the looking forward to it. this n reason for it to improve things but i never see it going towards that. >> also, help for senior citizens modeled after the amber alert a silver alert for anyone 65 or older who is missing and in great danger because of the medical conditions like alzheimer's. families typically have to wait 24 hours to file a report. >> silver alert law just super sides all of that. and puts the enforcement into action. looking for senior who's are lost. >> and in 2013 changing some driving laws. lots of californians using
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smart phones you'll be able to whip out proof of insurance on those devices. mike dobson loves this idea. >> is. >> this is with you all the time what. a wonderful thing f you vit with you, we can have our driver's license on there, >> another change, you'll be able to text and drive if you have a program that allows to o >> apple ceo tim cook received $4 million in pay in 2012 after the company board set him up with stocks now worth $510 million. according to a filing the pay consiftd of $1.4 million in salary, a bonus of $3 million and 17,000 in company contributions to a 401(k)
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account. >> a bit of tech history. tablets outnumbed smart phones as christmas presents. the mobile tracking firm flurry says 51% were tab blet devices during the holidays. there is no hard evidence but analysts speculate tablets are more popular as gifts. also they don't require signing a service contract that is typically part of getting a smart phone. >> interesting. >> important warning for parents tonight. to stop using a popular baby recliner seat known as the nap nanny. >> this has been linked to deaths of five babies. michael finney is here with the latest. >> good news. i reported it consumer products safety commission called it dangerous for babies. today, four major retailer as agreed to pull 150,000 of the baby recliners off shelves.
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the seats blamed in the death of five babies and injuries to 70 more. the government received dozens of reports of babies falling or hanging out of the sides. the recall affects older and newer models all sold from 2009 to 2012. retailer recalling chairs are am -- amazon, bye-bye baby, toys are us and babies are us. the manufacturer said it's safe when used as directed but says the company is now out of business. if you have one, return it. new year coming up. witness comes broad new protections for social media privacies in california. this is good news for consumers. a state law prevents online snooping, barring ploimys to ask for user names and pass words, considered one of the
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most far reaching laws in the nation protecting social media privacy. >> in the past some have asked for access to social kbleed sites such as facebook. this law extends privacy to those and goes further also applies to universities. they can no longer demand access. pretty much everyone hates going to the dentist. one doctor made it as pleasant as a day at the spa. she offers not only drilling and braces but spa services. patients can get a root canal and get a full body massage or facial. and eye lash extensions. customers say it takes the bite out of getting your teeth
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fixed. see? >> can we get a mess masage? skip the root canal. >> this is not too bad. tortured then pampered?. >> i am going to bring in rain. but it's not going to be a big storm. here is a live picture from our camera. cheryl says i'm going to rain on your parade. most of the weekend going to be fine. sunset happened and we're just seeing after glow from our mount tamalpais camera. beautiful shot there. this is all going to look different into tomorrow. sheer look at live doppler 7 hd. you can see high clouds approaching here. so far month rain but we'll be seeing live doppler 7 hd.
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temperatures into 50s except upper 40s inland valleys. this afternoon highs into loi to upper 50s. moisture content in the air is going down so it's going to be colder tonight. we're looking at a cold morning. rain friday night. showers saturday morning and then, snow levels will be lowering to about 3500 feet so don't be surprised. snow levels drop down to 3,000 by saturday morn but most will be moving out. so high pressure gave us a dry day today. computer animation here, 4:00 tomorrow night clouds, your get away friday if you have plans to head out of town. yu kaia area, rain line begins to approach. heading into 8:00 we'll see
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rain beginning to affect areas near golden gate. there isn't much inland progress here. rainfall at 11:00 p.m. coastal he venlt. we'll see a mix of rain and snow developing around mount st. helena. so rain is light to moderate shifting south you'll notice there. just scattered showers here this, system not going to bring a lot of rain. we've lowered rainfall totals. tenth to a quarter inch foremost of the bay area. it's going to produce snow showers but not until saturday if you want to get out of town tonight will be your night. swells building 10-14 feet.
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watch out for strong rip skpurnts large, breaking waves if you're going to check out beaches this weekend. tomorrow morning goitsing to get colder. we're going 34 in fairfield. 34 degrees in nappa. down to 33 in santa rosa. cold in fremont. and afternoon highs, increasing cloud cover. around the monterey bay, temperatures low to mid-50s with partly cloudy skies. here is the accu-weather forecast. look. i never let you down. bringing in rain tomorrow night. moving out of here by saturday morning. rest of the weekend, salvaged and dry. sneef dry. if you have outdoor plans, first day of 2013 keeping it dry. we'll bring in rain, again, wednesday. going into thursday. >> rain or shine, you come
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through. >> yes. >> still ahead, problems in san francisco multi million dollar management program. spot. >> then, on abc 7 news at 6:00 a warning to anyone with a closet full of skinny jeans. doctors say they could be a hazard to your health. we'll explain y we'll be right back here.
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new street sensors to track whether they're vacant may not be accurate. akerding to a report in "new york times" the maker of the sensors said read bes -- readings are right only about 90% of the time. the sensors installed part of the city's sf parks system making data available through web skpits smart phones. the fda says they've thon known about the problems since the pilot program launched.
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an upgrade is expected to improve reliability more. >> bay area cities not the only places where thefts of smart phones are adding up to become a problem, new york city crime rate is up about 9%. and is primarily due to cell phone theft. the most popular target? iphones. 11,000 apple products stolen in new york between january and september of this year, san francisco police say they don't have year to year comparisons but eve been reporting you've heard this, cell phone thefts are on the rise and say they've received at least 1700 reports of stolen cell phones just this year. >> well, what is holiday tradition now is scheduled to take place on saturday. the arizona state sun devils taking on navy mid shipmen for the kraft fight hunger bowl. you can see the rainfall diamond. weather should cooperate.
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apparently, kraft will donate a meal for each ticket that is sold. good fun. >> great gesture, too. >> still to come getting ready to ring in the new year. >> a special message delivered during the times sq
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coming up at 6:00 how to kl cue late what it's going to koflt you if washington lawmakers take us over that fiscal cliff. >> frightening outlook for computer crime. the tablet could be among targets. >> if you ever earned money from a pay day lender you may be able to collect your share of a settlement. >> you have to known preparations underway for a famous new year's eve ball drop. >> yes. workers installed 300 new panels. >> and images of doves have been chiseled into the panels.
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>> you can watch it here on abc 7. hope you can tune in. >> that this is "world news." tonight, round two. after a monster winter storm proves deadly, bringing blinding snow and near hurricane winds, this evening, another major storm now on the move. the latest track tonight, where this one-two punch is headed. countdown. just five days until everyone's taxes go up. tonight, our chief white house correspondent jon karl with the behind the scenes wrangling. will he go over the cliff? and we do the math here. how much will your taxes go up? arm and ready. hundreds of teachers signing you for a brand new lesson plan. how to fire a gun. tonight, hear from the teachers who now plan to bring a gun to the classroom. and, made in america. thousands of you writing in, sending in your one thing. tonight, we're in factories across this country, now hiring because of you. did you buy one of their products?


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